Are you sure you want to continue?
Submitting a Deletion or Do Not Sell request will not stop dealers from contacting you. If you specifically request Program Price offers from dealers, your information will be provided to dealers at your direction. Dealers are independent businesses from MelloCar and have their own contact databases. If you would like to prevent dealers that have already received your information from contacting you, then you can inform them that you would like to be put on their do-not-contact list.
If you have further questions or concerns, or a dealer is not honoring your requests not to be contacted, please call +66-83-448-2797 and a member of our consumer support team will assist you.
Note that submitting a Deletion request may affect our ability to execute other rights requests that you subsequently make or are otherwise still being processed at the time such Deletion request is fulfilled. For multiple requests, we suggest that you submit requests other than a Deletion request first and wait until they are processed before submitting a Deletion request.